My prediction for America's political future

Once President Trump is gone in January, the Republican Party will not return to normal. We Never Trumpers will continue to be regarded as traitors and outcasts in the GOP and frankly will continue to return the sentiment, having no inclination to associate ourselves with a party capable of MAGAfying to this extent. Our estrangement from the Party will be both mutual and permanent. Perhaps a center-right third party will be started. Some of the more liberal of us will become Democrats. Most will remain independents.

The Republican Party will have a ceiling going forward of perhaps 40-45% of the vote. It will probably never again win a presidential election. Henceforth, it will be a permanent minority and opposition party. The more traditional Republicans who leave the GOP, the crazier and more extreme it will become, and the more it will shrink. Either the Democrats and the Left will become the permanent majority or the Republicans will go the way of the Whigs and its place will be taken by a new Center-Right third party.

This is, by the way, what I predicted would happen in 2016 if Trump won. 

I, for one, am glad about Gorsuch and Barrett and, with some reservations, Kavanaugh. I do not believe that Roe v. Wade will be even modified as a result much less reversed, I do not believe that most pro-life people will understand that the real battle is not on the Court but in the hearts and minds of the American people, and I do believe that as both parties become more extreme we will become even more divided and less able to discuss things with each other seriously as time goes by. 

I do believe that, with the cultural right robbed of an effective or even credible voice, the culture will continue to become more "woke" and less rational. With Christianity increasingly identified with mean-spiritedness, hate, and conspiracy theories, the paganization of America will accelerate. And- sorry, movement conservatives and Missouri Synod Lutherans-  I do NOT think that all of this is going to turn out to have been worth it to "own the libs" or even to beat Hillary Clinton.
