Happy VT Day, America!

There are fireworks in London, and Guy Fawkes Day was last Thursday. I can't help but think that now they're celebrating the passing of a threat to the institutions of the UK's closest ally.

Church bells are ringing in Paris and Berlin. And on Twitter, a woman reports a Danish friend telephoning her to thank the American people for saving the world. That may be a little excessive. But there can be no doubt that with the defeat of Donald Trump, the hope of the international community for a sane and stable world order has been saved. America will no longer be AWOL, derelict in the role history has called it to in leading that order. and the Chinese will not usurp that role after all.

Those who wish America well and see it as a force for good in the world are rejoicing tonight. The Russians and the Chinese, not so much. 

Four years ago we elected a President who appealed to the worst in us. May Joe Biden call forth the best.
