We have ironclad proof that the election was NOT stolen

Christopher Krebs, the lifelong Republican whom President Trump appointed to oversee the security of our elections and then fired when he told the truth about the security of the last one, gave an interesting interview to Sixty Minutes and Scott Pelly.

Watch it here.
He puts the whole "stolen election" nonsense quite snugly to bed.  How? It boils down to one number: 95.

That's the percentage of the votes cast in this year's presidential election, which we can (and do) know for absolutely certain were cast the way they were counted. We can know that because they left a permanent- and verifiable- paper record, the results can be checked against.

And they have been, by the election officials in every state in the Union. And they are still there to be rechecked. And again. And again. But after a while, the dead horse has simply been beaten enough. 

In no previous national election has the outcome been more subject to verification than in this one. And it passed with flying colors. Not only is the Trumpist claim of widespread fraud and magic voting machines that change votes and so forth nonsense, but the permanent paper records of 95% of the votes cast are there to prove that it is nonsense. It's not just that the outgoing president's supporters have neither evidence of widespread wrongdoing or even rational cause to suspect it. It can be and has been proven beyond doubt that the election result was just what was reported. To suggest otherwise is on par with insisting that the sky is green even though everybody only has to look at it to know that it's blue. 

To continue to take the "stolen election" business seriously, one has to be 1) amazingly ignorant of the facts; 2) as dumb as a box of rocks; 3) mentally ill to the point of being out of contact with reality or 4) dishonest and malicious. Or some combination of those.

The duped, the demented, and the dishonest.

There is no controversy here, folks: just fanatics and sore losers.
