Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, and others call for a Trumpista coup

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has signed an ad calling on President Trump to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, prevent the Electoral College from meeting, and effectively become America's first dictator.

Crazy Sidney Powell of the Magic Venezualan Voting machines re-tweeted a similar piece of treason, found below. 

This is Seven Days in May stuff, people. This is America as a banana republic. This is the death of our Constitution and everything we have always told ourselves that we all hold in common. This is Sinclair Lewis's It Can't Happen Here happening here.

But this doesn't cause most Republicans to bat an eyelash. Are you scared yet? And if not, why not?

We Never Trumpers have been warning everybody else that this was who Donald Trump really was for more than four years. Neither Trump himself nor his base ever made any secret of it.  From Trump's fever dreams about making it legally possible to sue the media when they spread "intentionally false" information to his designation of the media and in fact everyone who disapproves of him as "enemies of the people," Trump has shown his ignorance of the Constitution and his open contempt for it ever since he came down that escalator.

And now, with Trump defeated for re-election and engaging in a doomed and absurd legal quest to disenfranchise the majority of the American electorate, it has come to this. And it's an OK posture for people to take in the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan- so OK that to acknowledge the clear and obvious fact that Joe Biden beat Trump fair and square is more dangerous to a Republican politician's career than endorsing a proposed coup and the installation of Donald Trump as a dictator!

Some might say that it's the proverbial frog in the kettle, or even the predictable response people have to boys who cry wolf. But there it is, folks. It's real, it's as big as life, and it's twice as ugly.

It's not going to happen, of course. But do you know what's even scarier than the ad itself?

It's that most of us are still in denial about the fact that it not only could happen but that a larger percentage of the American people would welcome it.
