
Showing posts from February, 2020

On the quadrennial feast day of St. Patrick Hamilton

Don't count on Democratic moderation to protect us from a President Sanders

Dumb and dumber. Broken and brokener.

This is serious, people.

Just sayin'.

Thinking the unthinkable

President Swamp Thing

General thoughts about the Democrats

Some very general observations about the values we associate with God's will in the political realm in the light of Luther's Small Catechism

Are the Democrats getting ready to crash and Bern?

It's a capitalist plot!

An existential threat to our way of life

Ironic quotation of the century

Daniel Webster, Robert Taft, and John Calhoun are spinning in their graves

This is, indeed, the state of the Union

A different, sad kind of Caucus Night

51 co-conspirators in the coverup