
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Donald and the white supremacists

The god of Donald Trump

Make St. Umlaut Great Again!

Does Trump even have a clue?

Not very smart, Donald

MSM, "progressives" demonize North Carolina over law protecting common decency

Trump fhtagn!

This is great! Trump babbles. Trump lies. And Trump does NOT get away with it!

Kasich pulling Wisconsin radio ads- to help Cruz?

Not sure whether the Cubs play the A's this year....

Face it: Donald Trump just doesn't know what he's talking about

Christ is risen! Alleluia! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

WHAT THE.....?!!! Now Trump refuses to rule out WAR WITH CHINA because we should be "unpredictable!"

If Cruz and Kasich were to use their heads....

Trump is no Teddy Roosevelt, but his fate should be the same

The man with no shame

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do... Am I crazy? Guess what I just might do!"

Good Friday: Today, not Sunday, is the most important day of the liturgical year

I am speechless

It's easy to become disoriented these days

How can anybody old enough to vote support Donald Trump?


Bless your heart, Donald.

So where do we go from Cleveland?

The Party's over

The omega male

Just when you thought this election year couldn't get any weirder...

Where the GOP race stands on Wednesday morning

Cruz wins big in Utah- but it's still a good night for Il Duce

Trump back to advocating torture

Trump wins Arizona- and now has 739 of the 1,237 delegates he needs.

Donald Trump is not only a fascist and a bully, but he doesn't know much about baseball

Never has an American President groveled like this one

Welcome to the Donald Trump nightmare

Sorry, Rush. You don't need to win eight primaries to get the GOP nomination.

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. Just like the Founding Fathers were.

Blaming the victim

Trump would be the first Republican to lose Utah in 50 years

Please, Mr. President. Get a CLUE!

Trump needs to repudiate this group of pro-Trump brownshirts

China's new propaganda weapon: Trump

Rasmussen: a majority of voters blame Il Duce for the uptick in political violence

Will Coburn or Perry lead the conservative third party if Trump is nominated?

Any questions?

The party of Lincoln and Reagan does not negotiate with terrorists- and it must not nominate one!

Makes me proud to be an American

Will the lemming be the new symbol of the Republican party?